Monday, August 07, 2006

Alamo Square Flea Market

Just up the street from my house, this Saturday -- the 24th Annual Alamo Square Flea Market. I only heard about it yesterday (and I've lived just 1/2 a block away from the park for three years!). But it looks like a great opportunity to get some cool cast-offs -- including stuff from yours truly. I'm still waiting to hear back about whether there's enough space for me to set up in the park, but since I recently put together a bunch of stuff that had been cluttering up my apartment, I'll at least take the opportunity to set up across the street.

Bonus!, Part II

Second year anniversary here at work, so this time I get two, count 'em, two crisp, new $100 bills. Suh-weet!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Wheel of Life?

If you're heading to the playa, you could do worse than to bring one of these along -- though you'd have to build your own, of course.

This rates right up there as one of the very coolest things I've seen in months.

[via inhabitat]